Monday, October 22, 2007

Orion's New Meds

Orion's new medicine is Rowasa. As I understand it, it is pretty much the same medicine that he takes orally (Colazal), in a liquid form, that is delivered via the south entrance as opposed to the north entrance.

Orion has not been overly pleased with the delivery method (enema), however we have seen an improvement that has been almost immediate!

As for our kitchen we are roughly 95% wheat free at this time. We wonder how and if this has affected Orion's health. As for me, I can say I no longer crave breads! But I wouldn't say no to a bagel (that is if Orion wasn't watching!). We will find the results of Orion's RAST test on Wednesday. This should indicate if Orion has any food or environmental allergies. As always, I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

hey, i'm glad to hear that o is feeling better, although i'm sure taking the medicine is no fun at all.

let us know how the allergy tests went...

love you