Tuesday, December 11, 2007


(Orion, Christmas 2001, Age 4.5)

So Orion says to me, "Wanna hear a funny Christmas joke?" Knowing I better answer yes, I nod. He continues:

"Sam writes a letter to Santa:

Dear Santa,
I'd like a little brother for Christmas.

I look at him, wondering where and when we'll find the punchline, when he asks "Well, what did Santa write back?"

"I dunno," I grunted. Wondering what sort of dorky joke was up his sleeve.

Orion finishes:

"Dear Sam,
Send me your mother.
Then he started to chuckle. "Get it mom? Get it?"

I am not sure which was funnier- the joke or the fact it took me just about 45 seconds to get the joke! Am I getting old? Or is it that I was stunned to discover that my 10 year old knows Dirty Old Santa Jokes?


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of a 10 year old mind! They can really pull some fast ones on Mom's "OLD mind!
I think is a great joke I thought maybe he was asking for a brother!