Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Clean Sheets

Happiness is sliding into a bed made with crisp, clean sheets. Growing up in my mother's house we changed our sheets weekly! However, in my house I push the sheet issue... Changing them every two to three weeks (Yes, I can hear my mother gasp all the way from Florida!). I rationalize by reminding myself that I sleep alone, that I shower before bedtime (My friend Shannon agrees that if you go to bed clean, your bed sheets stay cleaner longer.), and that I am saving water by not washing three sets of sheets every week (I am earth conscious!).

This weekend was John's turn for clean sheets. Essentially we all got clean sheets when we moved in, but several of his blankets and such missed the big cleaning- I made that my Friday and Saturday goal! Little did I know that the pets, both Nola and Alison, would conspire against me... Nola, muddy from the yard, slept in a nice little circle on Orion's white, flannel sheets! (Of course Orion is partly to blame as he didn't wipe her feet clean or make his bed...) and Alison decided to vomit (again) all over my bed. I think she was trying to get off the bed, but she moves so slowly these days, she only succeeded in spreading it out aways. Ewww! So this weekend everyone ended up with clean sheets and clean blankets and comforters.

If clean sheets are such a pleasure and such a joy to me, perhaps I need to change mine more often. I could make up for it by not changing the boys' sheets for three or four weeks (Another gasp from Florida!).

And I am left wondering. How often do you change your sheets? Please vote in the poll to your right and/or leave a comment below! I am eager to hear.


Anonymous said...

YOU MUST CLEAN SHEETS! atleast once a week, more if you have time.
There is nothing better! Besides,
pillows should aired as well.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Grandpa said! You can turn the sheets over and upside down then you would get 4 weeks out of them!
But PILLOWS must be aired in the cool bright sunshine weekly!
Love Grandpa!