Thursday, November 14, 2013

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I love TED Talks.  I have for years.  TED is one of those things that I come back to year after year... watching a handful of talks for a week or so only to forget about it for a year or so.  However, this past academic year has been different.  I recently discovered collections of TED Talks on my Netflix! (Go Netflix, go!) After watching a few (these 5 to 20 minute talks are just about perfect for my attention span these days!) I decided I was going to try to watch 4 to 5 talks a week and keep a notebook detailing a nugget of knowledge important to my life!  I have to admit I am not doing such a fabulous job on that!  But I am still watching! 

This afternoon at lunch I wanted to email my department chair the link to a particularly brilliant presentation about how our body language not only shapes how others perceive us it shapes the way we PERCEIVE ourselves! Click here to view Amy Cuddy's TED Talk. While I was tracking down the URL, I found a talk on happiness. 

I would like you to take about six minutes to meet Graham Hill of Tree Hugger and Life Edited.  He eloquently describes having a smaller footprint and fewer things to clutter our lives can lead to greater happiness.  

Are you ready for the irony?  I have just reserved a U-Haul to carry some precious furniture (things my brother has made or stuff that has been the family for years) from Fayetteville, AR to Middle Tennessee!