Friday, September 26, 2008

Got Game?

So I am told by others that my form is improving- that I am consistent. They see the changes over the past several years. Then why do I ask is my average dropping?

This week's games: 92, 112, 96. All things considered, roughly 12 pins over my current average.

I cannot find last week's averages. I wrote them on paper instead of my arm. They were pretty horrible. I think I had a game in the 70s.

Ah well. It's all good. I have fun with my buds.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome Ike

Ike found his way to Galveston just about 13 hours ago. Since then he's scoured parts of Texas and Louisiana and most of Arkansas. Ike has finally reached us in the 'Burg. Thankfully he seems to be moving pretty quickly. I checked out the pictures from Galveston, Houston, and parts of Louisiana. Devastating. I received word from Meme in Conway. Despite the tornadoes, wind, and rain they're doing fine and weathering the storm. It looks as if we will have several more hours of rain. But there's a forecast for a week of sunshine with highs in the mid 70s and lows in the 50s. Today's high is only supposed to be 66! W00T!
Before Ike decided to visit we experienced several days of rain and some seriously oppressive humidity. Enough that the ground is saturated and Ike's precipitous precipitation is standing in puddles and mini-lakes around the house. We even have a river in our basement. Coming, from all places, the center of the foundation, beneath the garage. Thankfully there's a drain in the basement.
Who would have thought that I might actually ride out more hurricanes this season than my mum in Florida? Should we keep score? And what's up with Josephine. Lord help us if she lives up to her name!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bowling Blues

First week back I raised my average by a pin. Second week back I lowered it by 10! Last night, who knows... But I can say, my averages were slightly better. Unfortunately I was still missing pins. 101, 108, and 88 were my offerings to the bowling gods (despite their obvious abandonment of me). I had some beautiful balls. Great approaches, smooth releases, and then blamo (!) all were done except one! I was plagued by "nines" all night. It was frustrating and depressing. Perhaps I should immolate a freshman (for the bowling gods, of course!).

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Z is for...


103, 89, 89

Last week was a good week compared to this week. My average was 103 and some change. A good point and a half above last spring's average. Tonight I didn't do so well. By the grace of the bowling gods, I hit my average on the first game, but the last two were bummers.

It has been a weird day overall. My seniors were in a dither about student teaching in the spring and PDS this fall. I worked hard all day and accomplished nothing. And tonight, things just didn't seem to fit. The bowling shoes at the lanes are icky. The 9 1/2 shoes are tight and hurt. The 10's are inches too big and cause me to slip and slide throwing my ball every which way. I tried several things to improve my game. I changed shoes. I emptied my bladder. I rearranged by brassiere (Even out the load...). I don't know what was going on. I do know that I was preoccupied with my students, concerned about finances (Orion's glasses broke today, I need a new washer, and I have more money going out than in right now ~ Essentially I need a second job!), not feeling well (Fighting allergies for three weeks and it feels like some horrid cold!), thinking about all the work I have left on my desk, and to top it off, I hadn't had dinner!

How's that for a line of excuses? Next week I am going to hit my average! As my bowling mentor would say, "Remember... this is fun!"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Y is for Yarn...

Not the icky, prickly kind of acrylic rug yarn that is abundant in my local Wal*Mart. But the cottons, bamboos, and wools- all soft to the touch, all begging to be bought and made into something nifty, all out of my price range.

Here’s to Yarn- all I need is more money and more time!

Dear Santa,

Pretty please? I've been so good this year! I promise I'll use it every day. I'll be waiting for you on Christmas Eve!

Love, Kat

X is for Chromosome...

of which I have two!

Gorgeous Gustav

It's raining. Hard. And from the looks of it, we'll be getting even more over the next day or so. I don't mind the rain. I like it. A lot. But the 'Burg is a flat place. Water tends to sit... or seep into basements. Driving to work took a bit longer. Water in the streets was up over Grace's bumper. She did fine. I got pretty wet walking from the parking lot to the office this morning. And I waited for the down pour to let up! I even wore a raincoat. I never do that!

I had to check the weather this morning. Gustav still has form and function, it seems. It's quite impressive, really. I even caught a picture for you! I wish I had take a picture of yesterday's radar when the eye was right over Shreveport and the northern most arm was giving Conway, AR a good cleaning. Many friends have family in southern Louisiana. Some are up here riding out the storm. Others have made their way to Dallas. Hurricanes are dangerous, destructive, and devastating. And absolutely beautiful.

Be safe. Be warm. And be dry!