Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Brown Eyed Women

I've got a Deadhead in my Foundations class. She sits right up front and has several Grateful Dead tees and a cool book bag with Jerry Bears (a.k.a. Dancing Bears) across the flap (Yeah, I am jealous!). I asked her what her favorite Dead song was. She just looked at me. That's like asking me what my favorite children's book is. We agreed we both have several favorites.

Sometimes my favorite is China Cat Sunflower. Other times I like the ubiquitous Truckin' or Casey Jones. And there's always room for Black Muddy River and Tons of Steel from the album In The Dark (Yes, I have that on vinyl.) Recently, my favorite is Brown Eyed Woman.

Below is Bob Weir and Ratdog with their version (a good one I might add) of Brown Eyed Women.

"Brown eyed women and red grenadine
the bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean
Sound of the thunder with the rain pouring down
and it looks like the old man's getting on"