Monday, April 21, 2008

Tears for Matzo

Cravings. They come and they go. This one came several days ago and has refused to diminish. Matzo Brei. Off to the store I went where I found onion flavored Nyafat (cholesterol free, vegetable based, fake schmaltz)... but no matzo! Oh no! Where were my Egg and Onion Matzos? I cannot possibly have Matzo Brei without matzos! Am I going to have to make my own? (Gasp!) It seems that I will have to do just that as the grocery store manager said that they cannot sell them so they will no longer order them. Perhaps I can find a store in Kansas City. I want it now! Somebody out there send me a couple of boxes of matzos, please!

And it occurs to me... Passover began on Sunday. Is this why I am craving the fried matzos?