Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a Week!

Is it Friday yet? Please tell me yes! This has been a whopper of a week. I considered titling this post "The Week from Hell" however, it hasn't been a bad week so much as a full week.

This week saw the end of one semester and the dawn of another semester! So I have been busy removing courses from BlackBoard, archiving grades, and putting the semester to rest, while at the same time starting up a new class in BlackBoard, meeting new students, grading, hooking students up with their field experiences and the like.

It's been a simply exhausting week. I am spent. Summer school is no easy feat! Our classes are longer (which I like - gives me more time discuss topics with students) and they meet four to five days a week (which is exhausting). Because of this, many summer classes are done in a matter of approximately six weeks. However, Foundations of Education is an 11 week course. We actually have MORE contact time during the Summer semester than we do during the Fall or Spring semesters.

The first Monday of June I will pick up another class. This will be a traditional six week, Monday through Thursday, course. And during the last three weeks of the Summer semester I'll pick up a third class. A three hour class, that will meet daily for three hours, three weeks straight. Come July 11th I will be dead. I am certain.

Of course, by August 11th I will be raring to return to school and signing up for training sessions, creating my BlackBoard courses, and the like... But until then, I dream of afternoon naps, romance novels, bubble baths, and thunder storms.