Wednesday, April 29, 2009

10 Pounds Lighter...

... or Sheep Shearing in the 'Burg!

Ah, make that Kat Shearing...

Well gentle readers, it took two razors and a very long shower, but my protective winter coat (read: legs au naturel) are ready for the warmer temps and shorter skirts!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Shaken, Not Stirred!

Tree zipped me an email earlier today announcing that she, PD, and the wee ones were fine, okay, and alright! Seems Mexico City was swaying to the beat of a different drum! One located several miles beneath the surface of our Earth and about 100 miles southwest of the city! I wonder how far the tremors were felt? Did my friends in California or Texas feel it that far north?

Chocolate Crock-Pot Cake!

You read it right! Chocolate cake! In the Crock-Pot! Desert in the Crock-Pot? I don't think so! But several years ago I had some success with a bread pudding in the Crock-Pot as well as a Peach Cobbler! But after a failed cobbler, I hadn't ventured back into the desert world of Crock-Potting for a long while.
You must understand, the Crock-Pot is a foreign tool to me. Growing up we had a Crock-Pot! It was avocado green! But the only thing that came out of it was ham and beans or split pea soup. Neither of which are terribly wonderful entrees that will endear Crock-Pot cookery to a ten or eleven year old. In college several friends used their Crock-Pots for cheese dips and chili. It wasn't till I started hanging with teachers on a full-time basis that I discovered that the Crock-Pot can be a life and time saving device. Yet, I must admit, that until recently, I still used the Crock-Pot less than once or twice a month!
This semester has been a doozie! With teaching an extra class, a pre-teen navigating the jungle of middle school who has been mostly sick since Christmas of 2008, and all sorts of other unmentionables I have enlisted the help of the Crock-Pot and often, my husband!
So Saturday, while the Groovy Pork Loin was simmering away and making the entire house smell delicious, I thought I'd throw a cake together! I was going to make banana nut bread, but I had no nuts, and John dislikes banana bread. But I found this recipe that contained all sorts of 'so bad for you they have to be good' items. At first I was stunned that I actually had all of the items in my pantry! Pudding? I never make pudding? And I guess that is why I had a package in the pantry!
This recipe takes forever on low, but it is well worth the wait! John had trouble waiting and kept returning to the kitchen to lift the lid.
This recipe was adapted from one found in Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook: Feasing with your Slow Cooker by Dawn J. Ranck and Phyllis Pellman Good. The book is packed full of recipes, however, there are NO pictures!

Chocolate Pudding Cake

What you need:

18.5 oz package of chocolate cake mix
3.9 oz package of instant chocolate pudding mix
2 cups sour cream
4 eggs
1 cup water
3/4 cup oil
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips.
Whipped Cream or Ice cream to serve!

What you do:

Combine all ingredients except for the chocolate chips in mixing bowl. Mix on medium for about 2 minutes. The batter beats up light and fluffy! Definitely worth licking the bowl.
Stir in chocolate chips (I think maraschino cherries would be marvelous!)
Pour into greased Crock-Pot. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours.
Cake is done when bamboo skewer is inserted and comes out with moist crumbs.
Slide cake out of Crock-Pot or spoon out. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.
Note: Take 1/2 of what you think you want. This cake is really rich!

Crock-Pot Success!

Another successful Crock-Pot experiment! I only wish I hadn't been so busy in the garden and laundry room to take some pictures before and/or after! Yum!

Kat's Groovy Crock-Pot Pork Loin

What you need:
2-3 pound pork loin
salt, peeper, garlic, rosemary, whatever
celery (what ever is handy)
8 to 9 medium red potatoes
8 to 10 carrots
2 onions
1 cup of broth or bullion (any kind, really)

What you do:
Salt, pepper, and season loin while heating some olive oil in a skillet. Sear loin on all sides over medium high heat.
Chop all vegetables into large chunks (halves or quarters).
Layer celery, carrots, one onion, taters, the other onion, and place loin on top.
Dump about 1 cup of broth over all. Toss in two bay leaves.
Turn on low and cook for six or seven hours!
About 30 minutes before serving, remove the loin and veggies you plan to eat or serve, crank the Crock-Pot to high, and toss in some cornstarch and water. I love to leave a few healthy looking carrots, some celery, and about a half of a potato and use my Kitchen-Aid hand blender to zip it into a creamy, veggie laden, sauce.
While the sauce is bubbling away, cut up the mean, arrange the veggies and W00t! Yum!

I think the success of this particular Crock-Pot attempt can be attributed to two steps: the first, the searing of the loin and the second, placing the meat above the level of the liquid so it didn't 'boil'.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

It wasn't till last weekend that I could tell that winter was loosening its grip. While tulips had sprouted and bloomed, they didn't fend off the snow and ice that we continued to receive. My red tulips looked lovely in my white porcelain teapots and lasted nearly a week as winter precipitation continued to fall. However, last Saturday I noted that the forsythia were in full bloom and the redbud and dogwood were just starting to have a hint of color. By the beginning of this week the bare tree limbs were dotted with a bare hint of green. Friday finds us on our third day of 80+ degree weather with leaflets on most of the trees and seed pods blowing in the stiff winds. But mostly it is my runny nose, scratchy throat, and crusty eyes that have announced the arrival of spring. I only wish I had some pictures to share!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Last Scores of the Season

Well my friends, the bowling season ended last Thursday, on April 16th. Due to an exhausting schedule, an unknown virus or infection, perhaps the African Sleeping Sickness, and the struggle of day to day chores, I found that I was absent almost as often as I attended bowling this spring, missing nearly three weeks straight in March! Despite my unanticipated hiatus, I returned for the last two weeks and duly left my mark!

March 5 118, 110, 120

Sadly, I cannot find my scores from April 9 and April 16! I do remember I had an outstanding game each evening, an average game each evening, and an abysmal game each evening. The high score on the 9th was 160 (!) and there was a 149 on April 16th!

May 7th we will gather for our awards ceremony. I hope to add a few patches to my collection. Perhaps my gal pal, Sal will earn most improved new bowler! I hope so!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Break 2009

I am blessed! Last month I had to opportunity to share one of my most favorite places (Steel Creek on the Buffalo) with some of my favorite people! I think it is safe to say we all had a marvelous time.

Spring Break couldn't start soon enough. I think we all needed a break. I planned for weeks and was excited that my Arkansas buddy, Shannon, would be meeting us as well as my Missouri friends. Email were sent. Directions given. Meals volunteered. It was set! We were ready.

Friday the 13th of March started early. We were up till 1:00 or 2:00 the night before, packing and organizing, and when I woke up well before the alarm Friday morning at 4:30 I went ahead and drove to Wal-Mart for the last minute groceries and goodies. It was cold. And had snowed the previous day in Ponca. We didn't care! We layered on the duds. By 9:30 were were headed south on Highway 13. Only four hours to Ponca! Four hours to heaven. The truck was piled (seriously) with the stuff we would need for a week and then some.

We made good time. We didn't stop till we got to Alpena and then it was nearly too late! I really had to pee! Nola and Minion held it. About 15 minutes later we stopped at Osage to say howdy to Newt and set up a time to bring the crew over for a visit. We made it to the campsite by 2:00. Sites were already filling up, but we were able to score our favorite site, tucked away in the corner against the trees and close enough to the river to hear the water.

It was cold. But the work of unloading loading the truck and the excitement of setting up camp made up for it. We worked hard for several hours in anticipation of our friends' arrival later that night for dinner.
It didn't take long to realize that Orion was feeling quite poorly. Shortly after getting everything set up we sent him to bed in the tent, tucked inside a sleeping back inside a sleeping bag (yes, two- it was cold!). He made us promise to wake him when the others arrived. Shannon arrived shortly after sunset and we enjoyed dogs and brats with some camp beans! By this time Orion felt so bad he didn't even wake up. Not even after we inflated Shan's bed and stuck him on one side of it.

As soon as the sun set, any hint of warm disappeared. A huge fire kept us warm as we waited for Jennifer and Aaron. Shortly before 10:00 Shan and I hiked to privy to wash faces, brush teeth, and take care of business. I had nearly given up on Jennifer and Aaron. Knowing they couldn't reach us via cell phone in the valley, I figured it would be Saturday before saw them! But they arrived as we were conducting our ablutions! Hooray!

We three a few more logs on the fire, had a few more dogs and brats, and finally headed to bed! A reunion!

Saturday dawned damp and grey. The low Friday night was around 26 degrees. (My teeth are chattering just writing about it!) Orion was surprised to find Shannon next to him. His 102.5 degree fever broke during the night, but he still felt pretty cruddy.

Shannon signed up to make her signature breakfast burritos that morning. We were famished! And the day had just begun. Orion wasn't having anything to do with food! I drove to the pay phone at the horse camp and called Meme in Conway. Hooray for Meme! She offered to meet me in Jasper at 12:30 to take Orion someplace warm and dry for the week! Orion was disappointed to miss camping, but being with Meme for the week more than made up for it!

Saturday turned out to be a lazy day. We spent the day sitting around the fire. Mother Nature misted on us from time to time. Sally arrived shortly after noon. After Shannon drove Orion and me to Jasper to meet Meme we returned to laze around the campfire. We recovered from the previous weeks at school and the drive down on Friday.

That evening, about an hour or so before sunset, three young men hiked down the side of the mountain and set up camp on the other side of our compound. I was impressed. They packed everything in. In minutes they had their tiny tents up. After okaying it with the group (Saturday was Jennifer and Aaron's night for dinner) we invited the boys (Josh, Ben, & Travis) to dinner. Tuna and ramen or free-range, hormone-free ground beef and veggie foil pack dinners. It didn't take them very long to decide. We went from 6 for dinner to 9. During dinner we discovered that Josh and Ben were masters students in geology (!) and Travis was a business major. Josh and Ben met Travis on the hike and they decided to join forces. Dinner was great!

Sunday found us all in good spirits! Ready to start the day and investigate Arkansas. We had a tasty breakfast of bagels and lox (Thank you, Sally!). The bagels toasted up nicely on the fire! Yum! Was there something in the cream cheese? I don't know. It could have been the lox. Whatever it was, it had the entire crew begging for beads. Don't ask, because I surely do not know!

It was decided we would drive up Cave Mountain and head out to Hawksbill Crag (a.k.a. Whittaker Point). I assured everyone that it was a fairly mild 3 mile hike (It's just the last 1/4 of a mile up hill that gets a gal!). It was suggested (Not by me!) we hit Lost Valley later in the afternoon. I didn't have to worry!

We all piled into Sally's new S.U.V. and headed up the mountain. Six adults and two dogs! And I think we could have squeezed in another person! Or not! Jennifer and Aaron were rewarded for being the most fit and slender by getting stuffed in 'third row seating.' It's not always a good thing to be the skinniest! Jenn and Aaron are ever positive! They even kept up with Minion!

We were impressed with the tree damage from the ice and took a moment to look out over the valley. We parked at the trail head and started down the hill and across the ridge to the crag.

The trail had changed since my last trip out to the crag. Several huge tress had to be gone under, around, or over. It slowed me down a bit. Nola is turning out to be a good trail dog. She's handy to have on an incline as she pulls gently. This was Minion's first trail and if Jennifer and Sally hadn't rescued her, I'd have killed her. Being small, she went over, around, and under every tree and wrapped herself up good several times. She nearly sent me heels over head a time or two.

The first place we rested was the Faerie Glen (So named by Shannon, I believe!). Below Shannon stands at the tiny cliff above the glen. The glen was complete with mossy rocks, waterfalls, and graffiti.

Sally was most excited to find a variety of rocks including evidence of Leisengang Banding (?). (You don't want to know what we called it!). Despite our geological irreverence, we learned a bit during Sal's mini-lessons and I caught my breath! At least most of it.

Nola and Minion (no so) patiently waited as we rested and investigated the glen.

But soon, it was time to get back on the move! Upwards and onwards. We took the trail that led us along the bluff with gorgeous vistas of the valley below. Talk about homesickness!

Just around the next bend. I know it! And there it was- Hawksbill Crag! A pretty impressive sight, any time of the year. And a great place to rest! Many photos were made and stories with passing hikers shared. A favorite was of a group that hiked to the crag, changed into their wedding duds, and married on the point! How romantic!

(Aaron, my hero, and ME!)
(Shannon and me!)
(Sally and me!)

(Jennifer and me!)
(Jennifer & Aaron)

(Crew on the crag!)

The hike back seemed to take longer. I am sure it had something to do with the many breaks I took along the way. That last quarter mile up the hill nearly did me in. I was down to my sports bra on the last 150 steps or so. Yeah, it warmed up nicely! The first third of the gang arrived some 30 minutes before I did, the second third roughly 15 minutes before I did... I was happy to bring up the rear! We piled back into Sally's car gulping down more water (I drank two bottles on the hike!) and crunching on G.O.R.P. We returned to camp a few hours before dinner.

(Dinner for 9?)

It was the Leslie's evening to make dinner. I tossed about 15 taters in the fire (I wanted extra for breakfast the next morning!) and chopped up a variety of veggies for one of the Dutch oven. John roasted two chickens in the other Dutch ovens! Our friends from the previous evening joined us. Dinner was late, but quite tasty! (Thank you, John!). I think the worst part was that we couldn't build a GIANT fire to warm ourselves. As soon as those taters and chickens came off the fire we tossed on several logs in an attempt to feel our fingers and toes again! Brrr!
I wasn't looking forward to Monday. Shannon, Jennifer and Aaron were going to eventually head back. Why couldn't they stay the entire week? No fears! Monday turned out to be fabulous as well. Shortly after Jenn and Aaron broke camp, they drove up the mountain and around the bend to get cell coverage so Aaron could call in for another day of vacation! They stayed one more day! After breakfast of eggs, taters, and two pounds of bacon (No kidding! Thanks Jennifer and Aaron for breakfast!) we all headed to Lost Valley for a nice hike up to Eden Falls and the cave.

The Monday was much warmer than Saturday or Sunday and folks were crawling all over Lost Valley. I was sore from the previous day, but had full intentions of crawling into that cave! Shan and I had to stop at our hollow tree for a photo. I was please to note how much skinnier I look in one layer of clothes than three (See previous pictures!). John and the dogs remained at camp. But I think he was feeling the previous day's hike to the crag. Warrensburg is pretty darn flat!

Sally snapped photos of rocks, plants, and us! And instead of geology lessons from Sally like the previous day, we got botany lessons from Jennifer! Fabulous!
We finally made our way up to the top of the hill where we rested a bit at the mouth of the cave. Shannon volunteered to watch our packs. Sally and I strapped on knee pads and headlamps and the four of us (Sally, Aaron, Jennifer and me) headed into the cave! The water was up! The water was cold. And the rocks were slippery!
Slow and steady wins the race. There were a few tight squeezes, but having good friends took my mind off the close-ness. Once in back, Sally was there to answer our questions! We came back out and it was time for me to hop over a gap in the rocks. I made it on the way in, but my feet were dry and my muscles were less fatigued. I was tired. Sally stood below me and urged me to STEP ON HER SHOULDERS! I didn't want to! I just wanted to jump back over, but knew my shoes were slippery wet! "JUST STEP ON ME," she urged! Eee gads, I thought! And I did it. We both survived.
More water, more G.O.R.P. and I was good for the return trip. By the time we made it down the hill to where the path levels out, I could feel the near 8 miles I had hiked in the past two days! Thanks goodness for Advil, and lots of it! Aaron hung back and walked with me as the others moved forward. I think he was bored senseless waiting for me on the last hike! We said good-bye to Shan as she headed back home from Lost Valley.
The best part of spelunking was the hot shower at Lost Valley Canoes! Sigh! It's a good thing that Monday night was Sally's night to cook! She did a marvelous job with camp fajitas!

Tuesday morning John made pancakes and sausage. It was cold and damp again. We huddled around the fire. This time Jenn and Aaron had to break camp for good. As did Sally. Down came Sal's tent and Aaron and Jenn's pop-up. We all drove into Osage to spend some time and money at the Clayworks. It was wonderful to see Amy and Newt! And it's always fun to bring something home from the pottery! We said adios to Aaron and Jenn and headed back to the river. We took Sally for a joy-ride down to Kyles Landing! We were surprised! There was some serious ice damage to the trees, but what really caught us was the damage to the road down to the campground. Perhaps it was from last year's flood. But it made for some fun manuvering!
(Satan's Lil' Minion suns herself at the Buffalo River)
We made it back to camp at 3:00 for a late lunch and then Sal had to head back to the 'Burg. I spent the rest of the afternoon soaking my feet in the icy waters and making rock art. It was a quiet afternoon and evening, just me and my old man around the fire. We were pretty tuckered and ended up eating a hot dog each before turning in early!
(The Buffalo River)
Wednesday it was time for us to break camp. We had hoped to stay till Friday but we missed Orion terribly and needed to pick him up in Conway. We took our time breaking camp, but by the time we tossed the last item on the truck I was ready for the air conditioner. Yes, that's right. The sun was wicked hot that day. I was miserable and wished I had brought shorts! What was wrong with me? It was just a little heavy lifting!
When I started the truck I noted it was just after 2:00 p.m. and the thermostat read 87 degrees! I was justified! I couldn't believe it was so warm! We drove slowly out of the valley, already missing the river and the trees and the mountains. We stopped in Jasper for a hamburger (Yum!) at the Ozark Cafe before driving down Highway 7 and on to Conway. We arrived in Conway to find Orion driving the four-wheeler around the yard.
We spent a quick two days in Conway. Orion and I made a trip to the doctor for his cough and fever, which had returned. Meme and My Bob took good care of all of us! We headed back to the 'Burg on Saturday, stopping several times along the way. We arrived home to some very lonely cats.
I had an incredible time with my family and friends. I can't wait till our next adventure. But I have to tell you, I'm still unpacking!