Monday, April 27, 2009

Crock-Pot Success!

Another successful Crock-Pot experiment! I only wish I hadn't been so busy in the garden and laundry room to take some pictures before and/or after! Yum!

Kat's Groovy Crock-Pot Pork Loin

What you need:
2-3 pound pork loin
salt, peeper, garlic, rosemary, whatever
celery (what ever is handy)
8 to 9 medium red potatoes
8 to 10 carrots
2 onions
1 cup of broth or bullion (any kind, really)

What you do:
Salt, pepper, and season loin while heating some olive oil in a skillet. Sear loin on all sides over medium high heat.
Chop all vegetables into large chunks (halves or quarters).
Layer celery, carrots, one onion, taters, the other onion, and place loin on top.
Dump about 1 cup of broth over all. Toss in two bay leaves.
Turn on low and cook for six or seven hours!
About 30 minutes before serving, remove the loin and veggies you plan to eat or serve, crank the Crock-Pot to high, and toss in some cornstarch and water. I love to leave a few healthy looking carrots, some celery, and about a half of a potato and use my Kitchen-Aid hand blender to zip it into a creamy, veggie laden, sauce.
While the sauce is bubbling away, cut up the mean, arrange the veggies and W00t! Yum!

I think the success of this particular Crock-Pot attempt can be attributed to two steps: the first, the searing of the loin and the second, placing the meat above the level of the liquid so it didn't 'boil'.


Anonymous said...

You have to try the pork loin on the grill it is wild we did one last night and it takes very little time to cook. The flavor was wonderful.