Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Name Game, Continued

Readers, I am impressed by the names sent to me via email as well as by the comments section of my post "It's a Girl!" Several local friends also made suggestions. Some suggestions made me cringe, while others left me scratching my head (Stagger Lee? Why would I name my baby after him?). My favorites are listed below:

Robin (Several made this suggestion, not just Sally in the comments! I have a few Robins in my family (both sides) and will probably skip this to avoid confusion!)

Aqua Velva (I must say I absolutely love this name! But I am not entirely certain I can call my baby A-V with a straight face. I do agree with Jenn A-G, Aqua Velva is sure of herself!)

Azure Adventurer (A^2) (A very dear friend suggested this name after some thought. I do like the name, but fear I would stumble when pronouncing azure then there are several who don't know that azure is a color!)

Evelyn (Jenn A-G suggested this name and it does just roll off the tongue. In fact, I found myself trying the name out on Tuesday whilst cruising KNSP. Still uncertain.)

I must admit that I have been kicking around some names of my own. (Keep your giggles to a minimum, please!) Maria or Mary Magdalene (Yeah, I like that one too!), Andromeda Dale (AnD (pronounced Andy) for short), or one of my favorite Greek Muses: Calliope, Polyhymnia, Clio, Urania, or Thalia.

Who would have thought naming a bike would take more time than naming one's offspring? But I suppose most parents have a more than a few weeks to discuss baby names. I'm still taking suggestions, but I promise to commit to a name soon!