Friday, September 11, 2009

Gobble, Gobble!

It's that time of year again. The bowling season began three weeks ago and each night I have berated myself for not once going to the alley to practice over the summer. I have also found a plethora of new bits and pieces that seem to ache just for the helluvit.

Last season I finished with an average of 106. The first two games this season weren't so promising with scores of:

August 27 100, 105, & 67 (shameful!)
September 8 99, 111, & 97

But I am quite excited to say that I bowled my highest game so far last night (as did a good friend, Ruth, with her score of 193 (!)). My scores for last night were:

September 10 106, 182, & 107 (Holy smokes!)

I like to think that I have been steadily getting better. Most of the time the ball goes where I want it to. Sometimes pins seem to have a force field surrounding them making them impervious to the 11 weight hurling at them at roughly 13 m.p.h. Ultimately, my throws are more consistent. Last night's second game was awesome! I had six strikes (!) and three of them aligned for a turkey. (My turkey dance and gobbles of excitement alternately delighted and frightened my teammates and friends.)

Last night was actually the second time I bowled this week. Tuesday I bowled fora make-up game. Perhaps it was a good thing... I am looking forward to bowling next week and I am actually considering practicing!


Ruth said...

Definitely was a WILD turkey loose in the bowling yard!