Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 34

Better, but not 100%!

I am finally finished with my third round of antibiotics. And I must say, I am feeling much better. My lungs are nearly clear. I only have a bit of crud, early in the morning and late in the evening. I still have some stuffy head, nose, and ear symptoms.

I made it to work today just around 7:00. I had every intention of leaving at noon. I ended up spending the day until 5:15. What was I thinking? I dragged myself home by way of the high school (picked up Orion from wrestling) and promptly sat down.

I am beat. I am exhausted. And I won't do that again! I promised myself HALF days! Does it matter that the ONLY thing I did was wade through 200 unread email messages and clean out my in box?


Anonymous said...

You better work half days for awhile, that bug isn't finished with you yet!

Bella Luna said...

Glad you are better...!