Monday, August 11, 2008

Meteor Shower Blues

Well folks, it's just about 11:30 in the 'Burg and I'm thinking I just might cash it in and call it a night. The Perseid Meteor Shower really gets cranked up tonight and viewing after 2:00 a.m. is supposed to be spectacular as the moon will have set and my side of the planet will be face forward in the debris of Comet Swift-Tuttle. Of course, Mother Nature has other plans. Late this afternoon giant cumulus clouds started puffing up; it looks like rain is on the menu for the next seven or eight days. I'm not complaining. I love the rain. Especially mixed with loud thunder, bright lightning, impressive winds, and a bit of hail. However, I had hoped to catch a few meteors during this year's Perseids. Seems like there's only been three or four, seriously clear and successful Perseid events for me in the past twenty years. Talk about patience! Perhaps it will clear up in a day or two before the next front rolls in and I'll be able to catch a few late bloomers.

For those of you with clear skies, find a dark spot, have a seat, look up, relax, and enjoy the show.


Anonymous said...

No clear skies for us last night! Rain.....its sunny now but what good is that?
Sorry you couldn't
see the show!

Love Mom