Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tired and Cranky

Tired and cranky. These words are almost always associated with toddlers. However, as of late, they're quite appropriate descriptors of me. The semester is winding down at an alarming rate. I have one and a half weeks of class and a week of finals; I can hear the fat lady singing in the distance. This is been a semester of 12-14 hour days: grading, planning, researching, and writing. And the most distressing thing of all is that despite all the time I've logged, I still can't seem to catch up.

There are 'virtual' piles of papers to be graded (Ma, virtual here means they're electronic, and not hard copies.), there's a dissertation that is simmering (at least it's not cold), four research papers that are in the process of being written, grades to be posted, and plans for next semester! Yee gads!

Suffice it to say I've been terribly tired and most cranky. I am tired of eating fish sticks, frozen pizza, and corn dogs (Although I do love corn dogs!). I want chicken soup with matzo balls; I want baked chicken; I want steak! But I seem to be lacking two things: time and money.

So I've hypothesized that these two factors combined with poor nutrition have only compounded the grumpy and tired factors by several degrees.

With all this said, I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can count on one hand the number of class periods I have left. I will have a week during Thanksgiving to rest and write and clean. Lovely! I plan to do all three. I'll have two weeks of class in December and then I'll have another three weeks to work on research (the dissertation and the four papers).


Anonymous said...

All this sounds way to much for me.
Hope you get to decorate your house for Christmas.
Oh by the way!
Happy Birthday to you!
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Katherine Anna!
We are wishing you many many more in Good Health, Have a wonderful Day!

Anonymous said...

You are the smartest, toughest, most tenacious lady I will do all of that list and more! No breakdown until after the graduation are 99% done with all that &$### dissertation work..get a grip and move me and dump withever you need to...I can kick some butt if you need me to!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, beautiful Madonna!
Have a great day and make those boys wait on you all day long....
