Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bowling Update

It seems like forever since I've been bowling! What with being sick last week and missing FUN night (where strikes are gutter balls and 9s are considered strikes!) and Thanksgiving. I think it has been nigh unto forever since I've bowled. And longer still since I've blogged my shame (i.e. bowling scores!).

That doesn't mean I've not been keeping up with them. And for my dozens of readers out there who have been clamoring for those scores, here they are!

10/09 89 125 107
10/23 100 102 119
11/13 100 114 121
11/20 124 140 93


Anonymous said...

Hello Kat,

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It has a ton of great information on simple and frugal living, green living, financial insight, gardening, livestock, food storage, natural health and medicine, and much more!

I'm sure the members of the forum would love to hear from you! It's free and easy to sign up.

Hope to see you there!
