Friday, September 3, 2010

Oh my!

It has been forever since I have taken the time to post to my blog! So much has happened since I last posted! I spent the first part of summer with my friends Jennifer and Aaron in Sedalia, Missouri and the last two months of summer with my friend Shannon in Gravette, Arkansas (peppered with several overnight visits to my brother's house). Over the course of the past four months I have have lived with three sets of friends. Packed, moved, stored, moved, cleaned, unpacked, and cleaned some more! I am nearly done unpacking, however my new house (rental) has not been properly taken care of and I fear I may NEVER be done cleaning! Additionally, I finally, and I mean FINALLY finished, submitted, and defended my dissertation! I must make a few corrections, print the darned thing on cotton paper, and pray the graduate school approves my margins. I am most excited.

The fall semester began three weeks ago and I've yet to catch up. I am hoping to catch up this weekend, but I fear it may be December before that happens! I've got a couple of new classes, a new Blackboard platform to learn, and twice the number of committee meetings! Somebody light a candle for me!


Anonymous said...

Hey Katherine! I am so happy to see you back on the blog. Sure did miss you alot.
Keep the news coming, we always want to know what you are doing.
Love you,