Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bowling Booty

This evening was spent rubbing elbows (literally and figuratively) at the Dinner Bell with my fellow bowlers on the Faculty & Staff League. It was our annual awards banquet. We had a good time laughing at each other. Of course, I must admit that a great deal of that laughter was directed at me! I received a couple of honors this evening. I am tickled pink and just had to share. I received a couple of patches: 140 Game and 70 Pins Above My Average. I was duly heckled by fellow players for having THE lowest game, a whopping 55 pins. Spare Time, the team I bowl with, was in 10th place out of 10 teams! Instead of receiving toilet seats (thank goodness!) we earned a nifty bowling themed dry erase pad for the fridge. But the best part of the night (besides the fried chicken livers) was receiving the "Most Improved New Woman Bowler." I raised my average five points, from 97 to 102. A got a nifty little plaque and another patch! Woot!

I have to be honest. I had given up on Most Improved. Last year I missed Most Improved New Player by one pin. ONE PIN! So when I started in the fall I had high hopes. But when Terry sat me down and explained how averages are figured, I had pretty much given up hope (as noted by my not mentioning it for the past several bowling entries). As the season progresses, one has to bowl dozens and dozens of pins above their average to raise their average by a point! It's nearly as convoluted as Bistro Math.


Anonymous said...

o.k. now I have to join bowling. Judging from past perfomance, I would be a contender for the lowest gain award!

Anonymous said...

and congrats on your major awards!

Kat Mangione said...

Lowest gain award? Uhm, you might get the lowest GAME award, but with a score like mine (or yours, you don't officially have an average yet) there's no place to go but up, which puts me me (us) in a great position to earn the MOST IMPROVED...