Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jewish Communion

Today has been another marvelous Saturday… day to rival Saturday from The Best Weekend Ever back in April. My friend Shannon has come up for a visit and after a good night’s rest and a marvelous breakfast (biscuits and gravy!) we headed off to flea markets, antique malls, and a quilt shop on the way. While out an about Shannon I and dug through china, linens, books, and more! I got very excited at the quilt shop. We snacked at Baskin-Robbins (Yum!).

When we returned the bagel fairy (my friend Sal) had visited and left me a couple of bagels and some smoked salmon. In minutes I had a sesame bagel stacked with cream cheese, slices of purple onion, and delicious lox. I savored every bite: a Jewish Communion. I’d have taken a picture, but I gobbled it up too quickly! Thank you Shannon and thank you Sal! I had a great day!