Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Dance

As of 5:48 p.m. this evening I not only completed grading for the semester, but I finished posting my grades via the Banner System. Just in the nick of time! Summer school starts Monday! I think I am in over my head.

My favorite part of grading this week was evaluating my students' philosophy of education artifacts. I had roughly 33 sophomores in Foundations of Education and 9 seniors in Classroom Management submit their philosophy metaphors. I had poems, trips to the zoo, an under-wire bra, sculpture, paintings, essays, gardens, sports activities, cookies, and all sorts of goodies. It always impresses me to see what my students are thinking. This is also a very personal assignment and allows me a little glimpse into their souls, I think.


Ruth said...

I love the philosophy assignment! I have my science strategies students do their philosophy of science education and I stipulate that to get all of the points it must be something other than a paper or, now, an acrostic or collage. OMG, I got so many interesting ones this time. I had one who did a photo slide show and they were all pictures she had taken and set to music. Then Tuesday I had one who couldn't make it to class come to my office to play her viola for me. she played Greensleeves and said science education was like that because of all the things that go into a good science lesson it's like an orchestration---all the notes/parts of the lesson have to be right on for it to be what it should be. It was awesome!