Saturday, May 23, 2009

Beautiful Legs

I hate shaving my legs. Really, I do. I went for nearly two decades without shaving my legs only to start again a few years ago. Why? I don't know. I ask myself that every spring when I remove my winter coat!

This spring I thought I would try something new. I read a review about Nivea Sun-Kissed Beautiful Legs Gradual Tan Moisturizer (a very long name for pigmented lotion!) and thought it sounded like it might work. If used daily, it is suppose to increase the days you can go before shaving again by softening stubble and subtly darken your legs. They have moisturizer for fair skin and medium to dark skin. I picked up a tube for fair skin at Wal-Mart for about $7 a few days ago and decided to give it a whirl.

After exfoliating, shaving, and drying off completely I tossed on a very thin coat and waited for it to dry before dressing. The lotion is smooth, doesn't smell atrocious, and goes on easily. But if felt like it took forever to dry. Honestly, I didn't really notice a change. But I didn't expect to. I mean, isn't that what "gradual" is all about?

Day two I forgot. Rather, I didn't make time for it. The fact that I even have a beauty regimen (albeit mascara and lip gloss) totally slays me. But I did notice that my legs were slightly darker. Darn, I should have taken before, during, and after pictures!

Day three I hopped out of the shower, dried off, and rubbed in a second application. I was careful, or so I thought, to apply the lotion evenly and to let it dry before dressing. By the time I got to work I could definitely tell that the 'tan in a can' was working, but drat if it wasn't a bit darker around the ankles, and lighter on the backside of my calves! But I was uber careful! Crap, I hope nobody noticed! That night I gave my legs, particularly ankles, a good exfoliating, in hopes of riding myself of some of the uneven tan.

Day four I abstained... Really, no pun intended!

Day five, today, I didn't bother- too many other things to do.

Ultimately, the jury is out. The tan is gradual. But not as gradual as I though or as Nivea predicted. I got a day five tan with the second application. (Of course, when you're this pasty, everything else seems like an Amazon tan.) I think I am going to wait till I shave again, and who knows when that will be, before I go with another application. I was very careful the first two times to apply the lotion evenly and not to rub it off before it dried, but my legs tell a different story. Next time I will avoid ankles, but remember the tops of my feet. Perhaps I'll even take photos to "blog my shame"!

Has anyone out there tried Nivea Sun-Kissed Beautiful Legs or any other 'tan in a can' product? Share your story in the comments! You can always post anonymously!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes my Love I have tried the stuff also, and after using it several times I turned ORANGE a lovely shade infact! Almost like a pumkin shade!
Its fun to try Estee makes the best one!
Love. Mom