Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Grading Frenzy

My eyes are bleeding!

My butt is the shape of my desk chair!

And I am walking like an old woman in need of a hip replacement!

Time for assisted living or a nursing home? Nah, it's just finals week at U.C.M. With five classes to put to rest and two starting on Monday I am beginning to feel the pressure! And mostly in my cranial regions! As I see it, I have two choices: get everything graded and posted and prepare for Monday's class, or explode and feel sorry for the custodian who has to pick up the tiny pieces of my skull and what's left of my grey matter off the walls, desk, and floor of my wee office.

So I grade.

And grade.

And grade.

Eleven hours on Monday, 8 hours on Tuesday, and I'm shooting for another 11 today! I still have Thursday and Friday left! My only hope is that I get my syllabi together before Monday so I can rest this weekend before the new semester. Ten more weeks until my summer break begins!


Anonymous said...

Oh no, no, don't leave any gray matter laying around its messy!
Thinking about you and wishing I could be of some help!

Anonymous said...

You could just give me an A and not bother to grade my stuff, that would be ok with me.

I kid!