Saturday, December 1, 2007

Weird Weather!

Originally we were to be on the cusp of the wicked winter storm that will be dumping lots of snow on my sister very soon (If it hasn't started already!). They predicted ice and a bit of snow. What we got instead has been really weird. Friday's high was not quite 40 degrees. The low last night was in the low twenties. It did start raining ice as they predicted (around 3:00 a.m.). As the sun rose it changed to a drizzle and by noon it was damp, windy and cold (about 40). By 6:00 p.m. it was 60! It is now nearly 10:00 p.m., windy and it's 61 degrees outside. The low overnight will be 55.

Mind you, I am not complaining. I am confused. It makes me wonder what Mother Nature has in store for us later! I hope we get lots of snow this winter! I've got my fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

we have an expression here for "raining ice". Ice pellets. and we did get about five inches. and tehn some rain. and now everything is frozen and slick.

i heart canadian weather!