Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blogging My Shame ~ Feeling My Pain

To bowl or not to bowl. That was the question at hand this evening. I gave in and bowled. Much to my pain and much to my shame!

It seems that I over exerted myself on several occasions this past week during the move and my left hip has been nothing short of testy. Last night it was really hurting and I promised myself to take it easy today, which I did, and I just fiddle farted around the kitchen. So I decided I might just have a few frames in me after all.

Tonight's scores: 125, 87, and 106. While these are not nearly as shameful as last week's bowling scores, I really felt I should have done better. My average has slipped from a 102 to a 101. Sharon, my boss and team mate, would point out that I scored above my average on two out of three games and that over all, I was 15 pins over my average.

It's just after 10:00 p.m. and I cannot find a comfortable way to sit (ouch!) and I am waiting for the dishwasher to finish so I can run another load before I head to bed.

Having a dishwasher is heaven. Having a laundry room on the main floor is paradise. But what is that funky smell? It seems to be getting stronger!


Anonymous said...

Funky smell? Cloud be MOLD! perhaps a leak someplace hiding in the wall? Or even something that died! Mouse, rat, almost anything?
Hope you find out!