Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Whirlwind Move

They say you never know who your friends are until you need help moving or hiding a body! Based on the help we received this past weekend, we are truly blessed! Not only did our friends swoop down to help us, Mother Nature lent us a hand as well- Saturday was a windy 65 and Sunday a toasty 75! Of course, Monday was 22, but we're NOT complaining!

Saturday morning came early. Perhaps too early. But we were up and putting boxes into the car and truck by 8:00. Friends began arriving shortly there after! Nearly a dozen folks showed up to help us pack up the kitchen, tote boxes, lift furniture, carry books, clean the "new" house, and lend their vehicles. By 3:30 that afternoon both the basement and house had been emptied, save for the washer & dryer, the stainless steel prep table, the futon cushion, and a basket of laundry!

That night we had dinner at the house of two good friends. Sunday night we had dinner at another friend's house and yet another friend brought us the best tasting pot roast I've eaten.

We got water on Monday, so our first night in the "new" house was Monday. Tuesday the phone followed us. Wednesday John spent some time setting up the computers and such. Thursday finds me reflecting on a pretty intense, but very special week, digging through boxes looking for plates, finding treasures not seen in two or more years, and resting a bit to share my story with you!

I promise (really!) to take and post some pictures, but I honestly don't know where my camera is!