Sunday, May 24, 2009

House Sittin'

Four night down and five to go.

I've been hanging at friend's house while she is away hugging grandchildren. It's my job to keep an eye on her dog and two kitties. And I have to say, I love the pet door. They come and go as they please. But I swear, there's a bird in the house today. I hear it, but cannot find it. I am certain with two kitties it won't "be" in the house long.

I've been using my time here to work on the literature review- reorganizing and including articles I've recently found. I need to go to the office and print a few things so that I may also attempt some of the smaller data analyses that I prefer to do by hand: item analysis for the questionnaire, coding of the interviews, and agreement rate between the two questionnaires.

I thought my friend's subscription cable would distract me, but so far I haven't found anything to watch. But I love the music stations. Great genre choices and no commercials.

Back to work! Tomorrow I plan to play a little.


Anonymous said...

How on earth do you get time to play a little?