Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Perseid Shower Blues

We were all set. Ready to go! This year promised to be one of the best Perseid Meteor Showers in a while. The new moon would provide us with a very dark sky- perfect for meteor viewing. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had her own ideas. After several weeks of 95-100 degree temperatures with heat indices to be calculated exponentially, the peak was amazingly disappointing. Despite all of our preparations - bug spray, camp chairs, bottled water, the darkest of skies, the haze was too much. Alas, I was able to spot three or four, but not the 50-60 an hour we were hoping for. Here's hoping somebody in Arizona or New Mexico had a good, clear evening of viewing! Since I have no photos of my own this time around, I will share with you one from the NASA site by Wally Pacholka from the shower of 1999. Maybe next time I will have one of my own to share!


Bella Luna said...

Darn.. I missed them again. My bed time gets earlier and earlier.

Unknown said...

Michael, Welcome to the Blog, I am glad you could stop by! Love and Miss you! -K