Tuesday, October 9, 2007


So my ten year old comes home and tells me, "It's Leif Erikson Day!" "Mmmm?" I reply, not really paying attention. "It's Leif Erikson Day!" "No it isn't!" Sure that Orion's confused himself with Columbus Day. "Is it the 9th?" he asks. "Yes, and?" I attend. "Then it's Leif Erikson Day!" he demands.

Sure enough, further research has uncovered that today, is indeed, Leif Erikson Day! It seems that congress authorized this new holiday in September of 1964. I do not ever remember observing this day during my public school career (as student or as teacher). I read that it seems to be popular in the states that were settled by folks of Nordic decent. I suppose that didn't include Arkansas and Missouri!

Well, to all of you out there: Happy Leif Erikson Day! And since we're on the topic of intrepid explorers, do any of you know when Capt. Kathryn Janeway Day is?