Friday, July 13, 2007


Meet Nola Jean Winters Leslie. She and Orion share a birthday! She turned one year old this past June. Nola has been part of our family since November, 2006.

Nola was born to a Doberman mommy dog (Her mommy had papers!). We're not sure who her daddy was, but based on Nola's siblings it is believed that Nola's daddy was a Labrador. Two days after she was born, the folks taking care of her mommy found that her mommy had died, leaving behind six hungry pups. They promptly took them to Doctor Mia. Doctor Mia adopted four while the other folks kept two. Mia fed those babies every two hours, day or night, till they were big enough to eat puppy food. Mia found homes for two of the four. She had a boy and girl left. She named them Nate and Nola.

In November we decided that Orion might benefit from having a dog. And we began looking. I remember Doctor Mia still had a few puppies left and that they would be about five months old. Tuesday before Thanksgiving, November 21, 2006, Nola came to live with us.

It was hard at first. She came to us very well trained (Thank you Mia!), but we weren't used to having a puppy. It took us some time to get to know and love each other. Now Miss Nola sleeps with me! She's a 'bedful' at over 50 pounds!
Nola has several nicknames-
Maenola (in honor of John's best friend from High School)
Enola Gay (when she's really gassy)
Granola Butt
Divot Butt (she has these swirls below her butt right where her dark fur turns light)
Puppins (like kitten, only not!)
Nola takes good care of us. She keeps us good company. She and Spot play together. And she has a lovely, loud bark that can be very intimidating. We love Nola!


Anonymous said...

Finally, I can see what Nola looks like! For some bizarre reason, all dogs in my (limited) imagination look like Ginger.

Nola ain't no Ginger, that's for sure! :)

I hope O enjoys his not-so-small puppy!

Anonymous said...

Nice dogger! Big one too!

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering what Nola looked like. Does she love everyone, or is she a one-family kind of dog? Dobies are often kind of possessive, aren't they? Looks like Orion got a great dog.

Anonymous said...

Suzy, Nola is the apple of my eye and she's sleeping at my feet (in bed) with me right now. She's getting to be quite big. I am not really sure about how to answer your question. My only other experience with dogs was when I was growing up and we had pretty friendly, but protective, dogs. Nola loves us. She lets Orion do stoopid things to her. I believe she thinks he is her litter mate, not her human. She does bark and folks who walk by on the sidewalk. Sometimes her little ridge gets bristly, but mostly I think she's just curious. I don't mind folks being scared to death of her. Grin! She rules!