Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Here’s another recipe for Grandpa in the Palm Trees. I hear Doug likes a little Spam from time to time (and we're not talking unsolicited email!).

Kat's Spam Planks

What you need:

  • Can of Spam
  • Mustard of Your Choice
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Oil for Frying

What you do:

  1. Open the can of Spam and wonder at the gelatinous spooge that surrounds this funky meat product. If you're Tree, leave the room.
  2. Slice Spam into thin planks.
  3. Add small amount of oil to frying pan, heat on medium to medium high.
  4. Rub Spam planks in mustard to coat. Then dust planks in breadcrumbs.
  5. Place carefully in hot oil and fry till golden brown. Yum!

It’s hard to estimate how many servings one gets from a can of Spam. I believe it is entirely up to a person’s individual salt intake and ability to eat canned innards. By the way, these fried Spam Planks are great on a sandwich. Enjoy!

For more information about Spam and its various incarnations, visit http://www.spam.com/.


Anonymous said...

Oh My God what next! I am sure he will try this one! LOVES SPAM!
Ginger does too!