Saturday, September 8, 2007


Madeleine L'Engle died Thursday at 88. (Thanks to my sister Tree who shared the CNN report with me just after midnight.) L'Engle was well known for writing The Time Quartet. The first book in the quartet series, A Wrinkle in Time, was published in 1962. Some folks classify L'Engle as a children's book author, however I like to think of her as a theologian. She's written over sixty books! My favorites include: A Wrinkle in Time, A Ring of Endless Light, An Acceptable Time, and A Live Coal in the Sea. An Acceptable Time may be one of my all time favorites, written about Polly (short for Polyhymnia a Greek muse), the daughter of Meg from a Wrinkle in Time (So much a favorite I considered naming a daughter Polyhymnia!). In honor of L'Engle's life as a writer and her impact on me as a teacher/parent/wannabewriter - Orion and I will read aloud a Wrinkle this weekend. Perhaps it's a good time for us to begin the series. He might connect with Meg's little brother Charles!

You will be missed Madeleine L'Engle!