Thursday, July 12, 2007


Meet Alison. I like to call her "My-Bob's Cat." Alison spent the first 18 years of her life living in Bob and Loree's garage. She was a huntress of great renown. Every morning, around 5:00 AM she and My-Bob would walk out to fetch the newspaper. She would get a handful of kibble and some water. My-Bob would get a "trophy", usually a bird or baby rabbit, later in the day. It is rumored that she would even follow My-Bob through the garden.

Just over a year ago, Alison came to live with us in Fayetteville. She protested the move to Fayetteville and rewarded us by staying in John's (huge) closet in the basement. She protested even louder (with a giant POOP before we even pulled out of Fayetteville) our move to the 'Burg. Despite her protestations, she is doing very well in her new home. She has put on some weight. Her fur is much thicker and softer. She rules the upstairs, sleeping on the "big bed" like the queen that she is. She's learning the ways of an indoor cat: sleep, eat, sleep, eat, more sleep, petting, sleep, eat, and even more sleep.

Alison turned 19 this April. Happy Belated Birthday Alison. We are glad you're part of our family.


Anonymous said...

So, how old is she in Kat years? ;)