Monday, April 21, 2008

T is for Earthquake...

T is for Earthquake! Okay, make that earth tremor. I experienced my first earthquake on Friday morning at approximately 4:30 a.m. Thursday after class I drove to St. Louis to spend the night at a friend's house. I would be presenting math games at her school the next day. I was very excited to be back in St. Louis, albeit briefly, and had a hard time getting to sleep. I was sleeping on the futon in the guest room when futon rumbled and bumped and rumbled some more- with me in it! I sat up in the middle of the bed and strained to hear something. Inside I heard nothing. Outside I heard something that wasn't quite wind and wasn't quite a train. Now that I think about it I think it sounded like thunder when it rumbles through the mountains during a big storm. The bed swayed a bit more and then everything was quiet. I heard my friend's husband get up, but there was no screaming or alarms going off, so I got back in bed and tried to sleep. That morning on the news everyone was talking about the earthquake in Illinois, about 120 miles from us in St. Louis. Seems it weighed in with a rating of 5.2. (It is important to note that the 11 year old in the room next to me slept through it!) Later that morning, about 10:00 a.m., I was presenting and felt a little woozy. I reached out to steady myself and realized that I was feeling the aftershock. The aftershock was measured at 4.5. My first earthquake! It was a great day! Unfortunately for my friend, I think there are a few extra cracks in the plaster of her 100+ year old home!

T is also for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Food, family, and fun! Turkey and stuffing! Cooking and baking. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, and pumpkin bread! A chance to share all the things I am thankful for! And sometimes my birthday lands on Thanksgiving! Double Yum!